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The world premiere of the animated video art project in

The world premiere of the animated video art project in The world premiere of the animated video art project in 3D and a young Chinese artist Zhou will be held in the framework of the 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts in Vladivostok. Then, the video art will be presented at the Venice Biennale. The premiere will be held in the Primorsky Krai Youth Theatre (St. Svetlanskaya 15a) from 21 to 25 August, in addition to those days on the waterfront Crown Prince will be shown the most popular video-art works and Zhou. And the work of Zhou had previously been successfully shown at the Biennale in Venice and Shanghai, the film festival «Sundance» and the Cannes Film Festival. The artist creates large multimedia installation projects that combine film, digital animation, photography, sculpture, painting, drawing and contemporary music composition. Music to work and Zhou wrote the famous composer Ennio Morricone. And Zhou studied in London and Paris, received a degree in political science and economics, political scientist-artist working in a style that incorporated the features of the Chinese cultural heritage and it has received European upbringing, her work emphasized the relationship between East and West. 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts will be held in Vladivostok from August 21 to September 1. Admission to all events of the 8th Biennial of Visual Arts - free.

Опубликовано:   31-07-2013, 13:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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