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For domestic flights in Primorye procure new aircraft

The Governor of the Primorsky Territory at a meeting with businessmen in the Far East, said that Primorye purchase for domestic flights three new aircraft.

For domestic flights in Primorye procure new aircraft

Three of the new aircraft will be purchased for the Primorye

Domestic traffic will increase in the establishment of our province Far Eastern airline. By direction of "Vladivostok-Kavalerovo-Plastun" will add new routes.

According to Vladimir Miklushevsky , Business development and tourism industry is impossible without the development of aviation.

With the introduction of new trends in the region, guests can admire the unique nature of northern Primorye, and many recreational areas can be reached only by air.

Head of Primorye also noted that the development of small aircraft in the region will allow residents of remote villages do not feel "cut off" from civilization "- said VestiRegion.ru press service of Primorye.

For domestic flights in Primorye procure new aircraft

Опубликовано:   25-07-2013, 20:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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