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In Bolshoi Kamen employees of the local Department of SU TFR

In Bolshoi Kamen employees of the local Department of SU TFR In Bolshoi Kamen employees of the local Department of SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai has completed investigation into the criminal case against the women of 1991 year of birth. She is accused of committing a crime under tsp 2 tbsp of 306 of the criminal code (deliberately false denunciation of the crime, connected with accusation of the person of committing a grave crime). According to the investigation, in March 2013 the defendant filed a duty of OMVD Russia's Шкотовскому district of wittingly false information about her friend did this to her grave crime - rape. The information specified in the statement of the accused, during the audit have not been confirmed, i.e. a citizen of the crime he did not commit. Consequence gather enough evidence base in connection with which the criminal case with the approved by the Prosecutor of the indictment, was referred to the court for consideration on the merits. Sanction incriminated article provides for a punishment of up to three years of imprisonment.

Aurora Roman, SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai

Опубликовано:   1-07-2013, 21:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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