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State Unitary Enterprise "Primorsky Vodokanal" reports that

State Unitary Enterprise "Primorsky Vodokanal" reports that State Unitary Enterprise "Primorsky Vodokanal" reports that, due to renovations at the pumping stations, "Ermine" and "71-md and" tomorrow, Wednesday, July 242013 from 9:00 am to 24:00 pm will be disabled from the cold water supply the following streets: ANS "Central 145": Meadow - from home 45 Rudnev 1-5 Tobolsk, 101214 Zigure, Nyquist - home to 22 as well as 71315 Balyaeva , Slavic, Spiridonov, Kaplunov, 1.3 Yumasheva, 2-2425 Kuznetsova, 56 -76 etc. of the Red Banner, 114-120156 Shepetkova, 33-3740-46 and 60 from the house, Karyakinskaya , 2729 Svetlanskaya, 183191-197205-a, Zeya, Tunguska, home to 28 Tyumen, 4 Naval, Mining, Alliluyeva, 2-a, Career, People, etc. ,11-15 Muravieva -Amur, 21/23 Karla.Libknehta, 10-a, 35 Mountain, 242531 and 31 ,3333-a. ANS "Central 195": Tolstoy - 30 from home (even side) Shilkinskaya, Tobolsk, 23-31 Tunguska - from home 42 to 50 and 7059-69 Alliluyeva, Rural, Zigure, 2454 Nyquist, 24-301721 Balyaeva, 50-566235 etc. of the Red Banner, 125-133/1234160-164118 ,120-in-a Manchurian , Zhukovsky. ANS "Career": Career - up to 22 homes, and Snow ,7471-18. ANS "64 md": Cherniakhovskogo 3-21 Kaplunov, 511. 13-17 Meadow, 50-52-A ,62-74 Sabaneyeva, 81411-23 Yumasheva 12-A, 24-401010-A, 12162/6 , Ladygina, 6 Gori, Nevel, 27 Kuznetsova, 42-92 Rifle, 50. NAQ 'and 71 md. ": Neybuta, 2630-38 and 45 - 6775-87 Vatutina, 24264 .4-a Yumasheva, 1124 and 4444-a, Kuznetsova, 45-53 Sabaneyeva, 1516-24 Ladygina, 2-459-19. VNS 'MG -2 ": Meadow, 5050-in, 66-7462 Sabaneyeva, 811-23. VNS '57 md.' Ave the Red Banner, 133/1133/234. VNS. "71mkr.": Neybuta from the house 11 to 41 from 22 to 28 houses. From the water main: st Nevelskogo Shooting Lane, 2222-a, 1st Garrison, 34 Gromov, 12 Batumi, 15 Voropaeva, 3133 Vatutin, 10-20 Vladikavkaz, five residents of these homes should also to draw attention to the fact that due to lack of cold water here will be cut off and hot water. Therefore, they are advised to make a supply of water for a day.

Опубликовано:   23-07-2013, 16:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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