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On the sports festival in Primorye coming world boxing champion Kostya Tszyu

The Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky held a meeting with the representative of the Primorsky Territory in the Federation Council Tatiana Zabolotnaya.

On the sports festival in Primorye coming world boxing champion Kostya Tszyu

Konstantin Tszyu

Senator led the region reported that the preparations for holding the first regional festival of sport, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Primorye .

Sports Festival will be held in Ussuriysk. It will bring together more than 2 million people. It is well-known athletes and coaches and veterans. Among the participants - a three-time champion of the USSR, the absolute champion among professional boxers Kostya Tszyu.

Honored athletes will conduct master classes in football, basketball and hockey. The festival will feature a sports parade municipalities of the region, as well as performances of sportsmen.

The festival will be a charity evening raised funds from which will be donated to seriously ill children and Ussuri rehabilitation center for persons with mental retardation.

In addition, the senator said that in September in the village border on the eve of the 100th anniversary will be a bust Priamurskie governor-general, commander of the Far East, a member of the State Council, the campaigns in Central Asia and military writer Nikolai Grodekovo.

"It is unfair that so far in the Primorye no monument to the man who did so much for the development of the Far East. History is important, first of all, for fostering a sense of patriotism among young people, "- said Vladimir Miklushevsky.

Recall, on the initiative of the Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky today in Primorye is also implemented party project "United Russia", "historical memory." The project started in January 2013. On behalf of the President in the Primorye region already identified and put in order the 27 orphan graves of soldiers killed during the fighting in the Pacific. This work is now in progress.

"In Primorye, there should be no orphan monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. All the inhabitants of the region have to remember the heroism of our ancestors, "- said Vladimir Miklushevsky.

On the sports festival in Primorye coming world boxing champion Kostya Tszyu

Опубликовано:   18-07-2013, 01:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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