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The driver of a passenger taxi «Toyota Corolla»

The driver of a passenger taxi «Toyota Corolla» The driver of a passenger taxi «Toyota Corolla» on departure from the road to home, did not provide the advantage of the car «Toyota Caldina». The accident resulted in severe injuries to the driver of the taxi, he was hospitalized with multiple bruises and wounds. Passenger «Toyota Caldina» was also taken to hospital with an injury and spinal injuries, the second passenger on impact broke his nose, he was sent to outpatient treatment. The driver of a passenger taxi «Toyota Corolla»

Опубликовано:   10-07-2013, 21:18      |      Категория:  eng news

In Primorye, discovered a cache of grenades and mines
18-04-2013, 18:00, eng news
Security officials acted in a criminal case of an explosion in the center of Vladivostok SUV near the bus stop "Regional Hospital"......
God be with her, with промокашкой - she really
28-06-2013, 12:00, eng news
God be with her, with промокашкой - she really is gone. But I'm sure a lot more people today prefer reading paper books, rather than electronic, traditional Newspapers, not their version of the...
In Primorye, the rider was lost, crashing into a lamppost
18-04-2013, 11:00, eng news
The accident occurred in Nakhodka. The driver died at the scene, his passenger escaped with bruises on her face. (PHOTOS)......
Drunken Primorets pay for his attack on the police
4-03-2013, 05:33, eng news
The suspect did not comply with police officers: insult them, took from his coat pocket a gas pistol and pointed in the direction of the police......
Tourist industry worker awaits sentence for shipment by
29-04-2013, 14:11, eng news
In April of this year in UFSKN Russia for the Primorye Territory completed the investigation of a criminal case against a resident of Vladivostok. She is accused of shipment, preparation for sales...
In the area from May 23 Dalzavod changing traffic scheme
21-05-2013, 16:20, eng news
On-site road signs have been installed, while covered with a protective film. Running the above motion will be carried out from 0000 am on 23 May 2013. (MAP)......
In Primorye, because frivolity adults crashed in an accident a little girl
17-04-2013, 11:00, eng news
Traffic police Primorye calls for prudent behavior on the roads. (PHOTOS)......
Socio-educational centers will be created in Primorye
25-04-2013, 17:21, eng news
At a meeting of the regional administration in the governor Vladimir Miklushevsky raised the issue of modernizing the system of vocational education in Primorye. Socio-educational centers will be in...
Ethnic organized criminal group distributed in Vladivostok drug
28-05-2013, 13:40, eng news
Employees UFSKN Russia for the Primorye Territory seized more than half a kilogram of heroin......
On Saturday, Vladivostok will see the best MMA fighters
19-04-2013, 21:00, eng news
Pankration tournament lead in the seaside capital came the famous Russian athlete and actor Sergei Badyuk. (PHOTOS)......

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