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In Primorye, discovered a cache of grenades and mines

In Primorye, discovered a cache of grenades and mines

As a result of the joint work of regional services TFR, the Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service in the village Gvozdyovs Khasan district on the local area of a private house and the barn discovered a cache of ammunition.

The investigation of the criminal case on the fact of explosion January 62013 in the streets of Aleut in Vladivostok near the bus stop "Regional Hospital" car brand "Toyota Land Cruiser" continues.

As previously reported, on suspicion of attempted murder of a local resident born in 1965 arrested two men in 1980 and born in 1983. They were charged with committing an offense under Part 3. 30 paragraph "e" of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (attempt to murder generally dangerous means), part 2. 222 of the Criminal Code (illegal acquisition, carrying, possession of weapons and explosives), part 2. 223 of the Criminal Code (illegal production of weapons).

As part of a criminal investigation conducted numerous investigations - examination of witnesses, checking the reading on the spot, a forensic expert - technical explosion, fingerprinting, medical, psychological, psychiatric, conducted searches. During its next operational-search activities April 182013 in the village of Khasan district Gvozdyovs operatives of the regional FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs found and seized numerous ammunition - grenade C1 - 4 pcs., The fuse UZRGM - 4 pcs., The element of the detonator - 3 pcs. Simulating Charge - 3 pcs., mortar rounds.

In the near future by the investigator to be a ruling on explosive technology forensics. In addition, a legal assessment of a person who stores data ammo. The criminal investigation is ongoing.

Опубликовано:   18-04-2013, 18:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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