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Кроме того, в зале в ближайшее время планируется установить

Кроме того, в зале в ближайшее время планируется установить Кроме того, в зале в ближайшее время планируется установить дополнительное световое оборудование. В просторном холле смонтируют освещение, имитирующее звездное небо и знаки зодиака. Отметим, что первая свадьба в зале торжественных церемоний на Корабельной набережной состоялась в минувшую пятницу, 5 июля. Анна Холевинская и Михаил Степанов – стали первой парой, зарегистрировавшей брак в новой пятизвездочной гостинице Владивостока.

Пресс-служба администрации Приморского края

Опубликовано:   8-07-2013, 18:30      |      Категория:  eng news

In Primorye, the rider was lost, crashing into a lamppost
18-04-2013, 11:00, eng news
The accident occurred in Nakhodka. The driver died at the scene, his passenger escaped with bruises on her face. (PHOTOS)......
In Vladivostok, will launch
16-09-2013, 21:10, eng news
At a meeting at the season-opening Grand hockey in Vladivostok decision that is sure to please fans of this dynamic game. "Hockey" train will be launched in Vladivostok "Maritime Express" runs the...
August 17 in Primorye revealed another case of
20-08-2013, 14:00, eng news
August 17 in Primorye revealed another case of pedophilia. The victim this time was the 5-year-old girl. As told to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» Senior Assistant SU TFR of the Primorsky Aurora...
Electricity tariffs for small businesses will be reduced in Primorye
28-05-2013, 16:31, eng news
Supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the Maritime region is given special attention - said the governor of the region Vladimir Miklushevsky in the Epistle to the Legislative Assembly....
Party trout questionable quality is not missing in the Primorsky Krai
17-07-2013, 13:16, eng news
Experts Rosselkhoznadzor detained in the port of Vladivostok, more than 22 tons of trout dubious quality, arrived from Chile. Party trout dubious sent back to Chile in the party fish found bacteria...
In Primorye, a criminal case against a minor
2-07-2013, 16:00, eng news
The investigating authorities in Primorye have opened a criminal case against a juvenile resident of the village Uglekamensk. He is suspected of stealing. A minor is suspected of stealing January 21...
Found a fisherman missing on the eve of the Gulf of Olga
8-07-2013, 12:31, eng news
On the night of Monday, July 8 from the duty VMSKTS (Vladivostok Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre), it was reported that the tanker "Berezov-Oil" was picked up by a man born in 1959 with a boat,...
As practice shows, to weapons (legally, in a sense),
20-06-2013, 18:02, eng news
As practice shows, to weapons (legally, in a sense), in Vladivostok can get any man, even a mentally ill. And not easy to get there, and get it in the legitimate use. A fresh example: in the city of...
During the meeting with representatives of tax
19-07-2013, 18:48, eng news
During the meeting with representatives of tax inspections were announced results of joint work of the city administration and tax authorities to implement the plan of income for the 6 months of 2013...
Bailiffs Primorye ignite
19-03-2013, 03:03, eng news
From February to April, will be the regional stage of All-Russian Festival Competition "Crystal star 2013", organized by the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service Primorye Territory......

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