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The reason for this was the discrepancy phytosanitary requirements

The reason for this was the discrepancy phytosanitary requirements The reason for this was the mismatch of the phytosanitary requirements of the Customs Union. In the course of phytosanitary quarantine control car with vegetables specialists phytosanitary Border control post of the Rosselkhoznadzor and the customs service revealed mismatch of information about imported products on the phytosanitary certificate of the exporting country and the commercial and transport documents. Currently, on the fact of violations of the rules of import of the quarantineable products to the Russian importer company filed a case on an administrative offence. Import into the territory of the Russian Federation inappropriate phytosanitary requirements vegetables denied. A car with the quarantineable products returned back to China. It is known that from the beginning of June of current year of China in Primorye was delivered 652 tons of food potato.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   20-06-2013, 18:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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