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Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct

Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn, spend a grand celebration. Its main theme is changing, but inAnyway, he is confined to the harvest, the settlement allows each county to identify themselves and show how rich its residents. Everyone fell in love with a large clearing near the village of Borisovka, which usually unfolded Fair. But this time, due to the rains the place is flooded, and the holiday had to be moved in the vicinity of the village Banevurovo, where, fortunately, there were no less comfortable and spacious meadow. It is clear that the weather brought about changes in the kinds of villagers to harvest. If it is customary at this time of vegetables morevengeance ripen, then this time, many complained, picking tomatoes is coming to an end, and cucumbers, and almost none at all. Disillusioned, even those who sow cucumbers in three steps to extend the "work" of cucumber pipeline. The third time the seeds did not germinate often or at all, or were given a non-viable seedlings. Alas, sometimes in treacherous coastal weather is so. Still, most families are not left without supplies for the winter and even a surplus that can be put on sale. Someone helped steadyvariety. For example, a family of Novonikolskaya Levchenko was very pleased with the new tomato varieties for themselves Marble. The fruits are fleshy, sweet, with a beautiful striped coloring, suitable for canning. And most importantly, despite the bad weather, good freak, "not picked up" of the disease. Marble tomatoes at the fair were selling like hot cakes. Wife Olga and Anatoly KOLTSOVO of Krounovki handle large plot: only grown garlic for sale on four acres of onions - in six, and even potatoes and othervegetables. Waterlogging had an impact, but overall a good crop harvested. Experience is experience, and he's been a great couple. But this circumstance forced to retrain in the agronomists. Olga, for example, worked as a teacher of mathematics and did not think that their main breadwinner becomes a vegetable garden. And what has been relied upon, when they stopped paying salary? Here are hundreds and helped out. What's more - given the opportunity to expand their small family business helped to his feet. Aboutthat only lazy wailing on the poor living in the village, said many fair participants with whom we spoke that day. Yes, the work on the ground difficult, often lets the weather, but still return there. Not met the expectations of one sort - help out the other one is not born a culture - will yield different. For example, this year has pleased grapes. But if before the edge was distributed predominantly sort Alpha with a rather sour berries, now gardeners have learned to grow table grapes Aleshenkin, Edna Campbell and others. Who exactly is the time to harvest. Agricultural fair and festival of national cultures on the dance friendship has added a rich exhibition of applied art. Product of many masters, not only won praise, but often have a clue how to decorate their apartments and estates, to give them a unique look. And someone even caught a creative "bacillus" and decided to try his hand at some of the areas. Especially, the participants did not stint on holiday tips and advice, gave valuable advice. And on the stage was a great concert. In addition to local talent, we were all pleased with his electrifying performance ensemble featuring Anton Zavolokin. Actively went SMS-voting for the best national costume festival participants and applicants to win the contest, "Ma'am, doll." The magazine "Gardens and orchards Primorye" was an active participant in festive dance of his media sponsor. As they say, we were there too and sbiten of ancient samovar drinking. By the way, is an old soft drink with honey and spices. Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct Ussuriytsy for several years in the early autumn of conduct

Hope Brazhina, RIA «VladNews», photo by the author

Опубликовано:   3-09-2013, 01:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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