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Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn

Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of festive events dedicated to the end of World War II. Themed events began with the laying of flowers at the stele "Vladivostok - a city of military glory." In the memorable event was attended by veterans, representatives of local and regional administrations, the city council of veterans, Pacific Fleet, honorable citizens, students and the public patriotic clubs. "Health and long life to our dear veterans and eternal memory of those who did not come back," - said at the solemn meeting Mayor Igor Pushkarev. For contribution to the socio-cultural development of the city commemorative of "Vladivostok - a city of military glory" on this day was marked by an honorary citizen of the Metropolitan Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorye. Continued within the framework of the celebrations of "Days of peace in the Pacific" placing a capsule of Stalingrad ground in memory of the heroes of the wall - vladivostoktsev and a memorial plaque dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War - the defenders of Stalingrad. By the way, in May 2010 in memory of the wall was laid the foundation of the land brought from the suburbs, with seats fights, which involved vladivostoktsy. In 2011 the capsule wall was placed to the ground from Brest, in 2012 - the capsule with the earth brought from Sevastopol, as well as the capsule from Severomorsk passed public Vladivostok Severomorskie veterans. Completed the commemorations by laying wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame memorial "Battle Glory of the Pacific Fleet." Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn Today, September 2 Vladivostok was a series of solemn

Yegor Ivanov, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   3-09-2013, 01:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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