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Aged lecher in Vladivostok will go on trial

Investigators at Primorsky Krai completed work on the criminal case against 61-year-old man. He is accused of rape and indecent assault against minors.

Aged lecher in Vladivostok will go on trial

Aged lecher stand trial

July 1 last year, the accused lured to his apartment on the Avenue of the Red Banner of three young children, promising to treat ice cream. The defendant began to show genitals, and then raped one of the kids.

The consequence of sufficient evidence, the case sent to court - said VestiRegion.ru Senior Assistant Head of Justice Major Roman Aurora.

Aged lecher in Vladivostok will go on trial

Опубликовано:   19-06-2013, 22:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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