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The delegation of Primorsky Krai will take part in the Congress

The delegation of Primorsky Krai will take part in the Congress The delegation of Primorsky Krai will take part in the Congress of the popular front. It will be held in Moscow on 11 and 12 June. Only the Congress will be attended by about 1500 people. Among them - President Vladimir Putin and his Trustees, governors, representatives of public organizations and labor collectives included in the popular front, volunteer organizations, student clubs, Patriotic organizations. Represent Primorye will be regional coordinator of the organizing Committee and General Director of JSC «Dalpribor» Roman Titkov, a military pensioner Alexander Fedorov, the teacher and the scientific Secretary of the scientific and innovation complex FEFU Zhanna Халиман, business development Director of LLC «Ратимир Eugene Korzh, as well as Advisor to the General Director of JSC «ДЦСС» Igor Usov. In the framework of the Congress the delegates will discuss the development of the programme of activities of the Primorsky branch of the popular front based on materials provided by public associations and proxies of the President. As noted Roman Titkov, among the most important issues is the problem of housing, health and education, the issues of social protection of population and development activities. Also representatives of Primorsky BIP plan to discuss the development of entrepreneurship and business, industry and enterprise development in the region, construction in Primorye affordable housing.

Egor Ivanov, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 22:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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