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Recall that the exam in Russian language guys wrote 27

Recall that the exam in Russian language guys wrote 27 Recall that the exam in Russian language guys wrote on may 27. Learn about the results of the exam you can on the website www.ege.pippkro.ru. For this database, you need to enter a surname, a name, a patronymic of the student, and the series and number of his passport. By the way, the Russian language became the first subject, the results of the examination of which has already known. On Monday, was expected to see the results on the history, biology, computer science and ICT. Results EGE on the mathematician will be available from approximately 17 June. Let's remind, the surrender of Russian language and mathematics is required for obtaining a certificate about the average (full) General education. If the student has not passed only one of the compulsory subjects, he has a chance to re-sit. To do this, set aside two spare days: June 18 - English, 19 June - mathematics. But if the graduate received an «unsatisfactory» on both compulsory subjects, instead of the certificate will only receive a certificate of attendance at school. By the way, if the graduate says that the computer incorrectly processed data and unfair underestimated the assessment, he has two days for filing a relevant appeal to the conflict Commission, which operates at the regional Department of education. These two days are counted from the day of official publication of results EGE. Although a complete picture of the examination in the Russian language in Primorye yet, Rosobrnadzor said: far East coped with this task better than in previous years. The total increase of effectiveness of the exam, according to the official website of the office, was mainly due to the students of the Far East that were traditionally show lower results. However, our region and now are not the leaders are too insignificant growth of these indicators. - In General, the Russian exam showed slight growth of the all-Russian average score of the exam on the subject (2 points). Only 4 percent compared with last year increased the share participants, the result of which is within the range 61-80 points, and 3 per cent - высокобалльников with the results from 81 to 100 points. In the majority of subjects of the Russian Federation seen a slight increase in mean scores, which confirms the nationwide trend, says in an official press release. Improvement of the results, according to experts, can be due to many factors. In particular the fact that the procedure for exam has become a familiar and understandable, and requirements has not significantly changed. Moreover, recently there have been quality manual for preparing for the exam. By the way, carried out by the analysis of results of the examination on the Russian language not confirmed the hypothesis about the distortion of its results due appeared in the Internet for different materials (task lists, the answers), one way or another connected with the procedure of surrender.

Olga Sirotkina, the newspaper «Vladivostok»

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 22:32      |      Категория:  eng news

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