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The main intrigue around of «Primorye regional

The main intrigue around of «Primorye regional The main intrigue around of «Primorye regional drugstore» - who will be the Manager of the property of a unitary enterprise - remained a mystery. While wondering who would be appointed attach a multi-million dollar assets, the organization began to pay debts. Primorskaya pharmacy more than 10 years works in the pharmaceutical market of the region and, until recently, was one of the largest pharmacy chains in the region - it will have been about fifty pharmacies and pharmacy stations on around the edge. Primorskaya pharmacy purchased, delivered and selling drugs, as well as in the framework of the program for additional pharmacological support, supplied the beneficiaries, including cancer diagnoses, free drugs. Meanwhile, the situation with receiving free medicines in drugstores have long has been criticized for Primorye residents. At the end of 2011 during the working meetings of the then Governor Sergei Darkin with the population, citizens everywhere have complained of the impossibility of «go and pick it» preferential recipes. Darkin has promised to solve the problem, but, apparently, to store the medicine at all't work: in the form of discount prescriptions pharmacists often bred hands than were given the pills. It is curious, but later it turned out that the drugs were (or were?) in warehouses Seaside pharmacy. In any case, they hit the shelves. In 2012 Supervisory authorities spent an inventory of concluded contracts. Checks revealed shortcomings in the use of budget funds managers bought too expensive preparations in damage cheaper, but no less efficient counterparts. And auditors missed out on 500 million roubles. The head of the Seaside pharmacy Vasily Сысойкин fired against him a criminal case on suspicion of inflicting large-scale damage of. The ex-head explained debts excessive social impact on the company. But with the new management of the business of the Seaside pharmacy went uphill. Due to the shortage of working capital in 2013 the organization did not participate in the auction for the supply of drugs in the region. Besides, due to the large accounts payable threatened by liquidation of the enterprise. The company became close their pharmacies to reduce the range, causing fears of Primorye about the next coil of essential medicines. Despite the apparent dominance of pharmaceutical outlets, it is through the pharmacy of serviced exempts. However, the authorities of Primorye assured, that the wave of crisis with the provision of free medicines will not allow. So, the Vice-Governor Irina Vasilkova, who oversees health care, noted that the situation for the debts of regional pharmacy unpleasant, but it debts incurred as a result of business activities. «The region has other pharmacies and pharmacy outlets. Medications are purchased under the control of the Department, and it is under the control of their delivery. Doctors, выписывающие recipes, will inform patients, in any drugstores they can get preferential medicines», - stressed the Vice-Governor. If for the provision of the medicines population calmed, suppliers worry: whether there is enough property Seaside pharmacies to pay the debts and arrears? It turns out that in this matter much depends on the candidacy of which side of the creditor or the debtor - is approved for the position of the liquidator of. One of the suppliers of the organization addressed to the regional Arbitration court with the statement for a recognition of the Seaside pharmacy bankrupt. LLC «pharmcomplect» (e.g. Nizhniy Novgorod) at the end of last year sent to the address of shipment of pharmaceuticals, but no settlement has received so far. LLC applied to the court. - There are court decisions that Primorskaya pharmacy must Nizhegorodsky provider of 3875 million roubles principal debt and 3.5 million rubles набежавшей penalties, explained In» the representative of the applicant's lawyer, Andrey Belovodsk. The Respondent with a penalty not in a hurry, therefore, and asked the court to declare the debtor bankrupt. The session, scheduled for 7 June, it was planned to test the validity of application of the creditor. On Friday the arbitration court gathered representatives of the parties and found that of the last day of may transferred to the applicant the entire amount of the principal debt of 3875 million rbl. the Representative of the Seaside pharmacies presented to the judge of the payment order on writing off the accounts of the said amount. However, the plaintiff said that funds have not been received yet, although it was a week. The judge decided to postpone the session on 14 June. - I am sure that Primorskaya pharmacy repay their duty, - considers Andrey Belovodsk. - But today, the most fundamental question: whose candidacy will be appointed as the liquidator the bankruptcy of «Primorye regional drugstore? This is a critical issue. Since, in addition to the property and it is a few buildings, many of movable objects, chief today the asset of the pharmacy license for activity connected with turnover of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Except of nobody has contracts and permits for the supply of such drugs in hospitals, maternity homes, and other important therapeutic, medical and pharmacological objects of the region. Do provision of narcotic drugs patients will be placed in private hands? By the way, at the court session of administration of Primorye, whose structure is a coastal pharmacy, represented by the regional Department of land and property relations, and the Department of health was absent

Alexander Karasev, the newspaper «Vladivostok»

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 22:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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