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The Governor is dissatisfied with how the work on development of the APEC summit

Vladimir Miklushevsky dissatisfied with the work of the regional road department with community experts
June 3 Miklushevsky Vladimir Putin met with the head of the group for the acceptance of the APEC summit Marina Shemilinoy.

The Governor is dissatisfied with how the work on development of the APEC summit

Vladimir Miklushevsky dissatisfied with the work of the Department dlorozhnogo economy

At the meeting dealt with the dooubostroystve multi-million dollar projects built in Primorye . In total there were 152 proposals of the working group have been prepared six months ago. Marina Shemilina told that today is completely fulfilled only 20% of the proposals, the work is still 30%.

On June 1 in test mode, open pedestrian traffic on the Golden Bridge. There are a number of comments, which primarily relate to the safety of pedestrians. Work began, but 20% of the proposals rejected by doobustroystvu specialized departments. Most of them regard to road infrastructure - bridges , New roads, interchanges, convenient for motorists congresses, - said Marina Shemilina.

9 out of 11 proposals for the arrangement of tracks Sedanka-Patroclus is not taken into account. A May Day district along the new route still remains an area inaccessible to people with disabilities - no ramps, walkways do not have specific conventions.

"Most of the rejected proposals to have the Department of Roads of the Primorsky Territory. The main reason they call it that all the work carried out in areas including project documentation, "- said Marina Shemilina.

Head of the working group asked for the head of the region for more efficient work. Vladimir Miklushevsky, for his part, asked to report on how we are working every two months - VestiRegion.ru reports the press service of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory.

Today relieved of his duties Acting director of the Department of Roads of the Primorsky Territory Igor Peterimov. Reason solutions - low-quality execution of orders of the Governor - commented the governor's press secretary Sergei Nekhaev.

The Governor is dissatisfied with how the work on development of the APEC summit

Опубликовано:   3-06-2013, 18:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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