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Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of Photo: Administration of Vladivostok

Today, May 25 the soldiers of student teams Vladivostok purified from debris shoreline of the bay on the island of Russian Novick. In the clean-attended and Mayor Igor Pushkarev.

"Student teams Vladivostok today cleaned of debris in the coastal strip near the village of Canal, is an example of respect for the native city, a great opportunity to work on the nature and communicate", - Said Igor Pushkarev.

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

Igor Pushkarev and studotryadov fighters took to cleaning the coast to the Russian island of

As the head of the regional branch of the Primorsky "Russian student teams" Roman Grichenko, came out on Saturday for more than one hundred students from three universities of Vladivostok.

"We occasionally go out on Saturdays and are basically remove the trash, - said Roman Grichenko. - This plastic bottles, old tires, twine and more. If people throwing this garbage in designated areas, the Subbotniki would not be necessary. That the city was clean, it just have to love. It's nice that our initiative is supported by the city authorities, so join us today and took part in the clean head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. "

Опубликовано:   26-05-2013, 00:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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