Photo: Alexander Vasiliev Today, residents of the city of Vladivostok took part in the "City plants a cherry." Total participants greening activities were given 250 trees to plant them on the site,Located at the exit of the Golden Bridge by funicular.
Take part in planting out and the mayor Igor Pushkarev: " I am very pleased with the action, and are very happy that a lot of people have taken part in it today. When is the last time here came the idea to plant trees on the land of cherry invite all comers. Because people approached and asked: is it possible to get involved? People came, responded, and we inthis will open up new areas. We also announced a competition for the best name for this place. "
To take part in the rally gathered a lot of people, so the whole land of cherry took less than an hour. As noted later, the townspeople come, they could not even imagine that a small delay due to the house they just do not get wood.
"We learned about the action of the media, -told the correspondent of IA Primore24 young couple - Max and Irina. - This morning I woke up and immediately went here. For us, this tree is now very expensive, and we will sometimes come here to visit, to be lost "
Told the Rector of the International University of Vladivostok Hon Chung Woon, who gave the city of seedlings, it is certain that in Vladivostok in the future will be soft and good climate, so plantedCherry fine work there.
"I can see that Beijing is becoming more and more attractive, while 10 years ago when I came here, it was not so. Now I'm experimenting with sprouts, and when something appears again, I'll give part of the city, " - Said Mr. Hon.
Earlier this place was a wasteland, which during the last work day of city workers took plant trees and gardensMunicipal Enterprise "Gorzelenstroy." There has planted 100 cherry trees, 13 and 15 Larch sosen.i 250 cherry trees on the new green area away from the Golden Bridge from the cable car.
To join the gardening beloved city and put his cherry tree came to families with children. Both adults and rebyatnya happy little bushes were planted, which in a few years will be a real gem of Vladivostok - and, perhaps, will be the tradition of the spring to come here and enjoy the beautiful flowering cherry trees. Today's action gave the citizens a good mood and a pleasant sense of belonging to the transformation of Vladivostok.
"I'm happy to put a cherry tree and contributed to the planting of native city - Vlad says eighth-grader. - I noticed that in Vladivostok is becoming more public gardens, beautiful flower beds. I think that young people need to be connected to this work and actively participate in such actions. "
Action was initiated by the head of the seaside capital Igor Pushkarev, who during the subbotnik noticed that the people of the city with joy attached to the greening of Vladivostok.
"During subbotnik I noticed with some desire vladivostoktsy Plant for his hometown - said Igor Pushkarev. - Therefore, the idea to hold such an action, responded to the invitation, many townspeople here today to plant cherry trees came to schoolchildren, pupils patriotic clubs, families with children. For example, there was present a family in which the girl was a year old. And today it has received a special gift - their own cherry tree. "
Cherry seedlings for shares transferred Rector of the International University of Vladivostok Hon Chung Woon, which he raised in Sedanka in Vladivostok International School.
"Vladivostok every year is becoming greener and more beautiful - said the Hon Chung Woon. - Here is a good climate for cherries, I'm sure they will take root, will entertain residents and guests of Vladivostok. "
No time away from the Golden Bridge was a vacant lot that employees of the municipal enterprise "Gorzelenstroy" together with the staff of the City Hall on the day of city work day began to revive: 100 cherry trees planted, 30 and 15 larch pines. There are about 200 trees. The head of the city planted in the new green area large spruce.
Recall, in order to make the seaside capital of green and flourishing city, Igor Pushkarev be unnecessary revived the former administration, the municipal enterprise "Gorzelenstroy." He came to work in high-level professionals, scientists who know what to do in the city to breathe deeply. They immediately began to care for existing trees and shrubs, and have developed a program on gardening Vladivostok. Every year since, the city planted a million colors, tens of thousands of trees and shrubs. Created lawns, is seasonal pruning of trees, alive and filled with green urban parks.