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Two more earthquakes have occurred in the Far East

Two more earthquakes have occurred in the Far East Photo: RBC

Seismologists have recorded two new earthquakes that occurred off the west and south-east coasts of Kamchatka, reports "Interfax" .

"The first seismic events of magnitude 5.8 occurred on Saturday at 02:56 on the Kamchatka time (at 18:56 MSK on Friday) in the Okhotsk Sea off the west coast of Kamchatka, at a depth of 643 km," - According to the Kamchatka branch of the Geophysical Service RAS.

It was one of aftershocks after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake that occurred on Friday at 09:44 MSK.

"The second earthquake of magnitude 4.7 occurred on Saturday at 11:09 am local time (3:09 MSK) in quite a different area - in the Pacific Ocean at a distance of 170 km south-east of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, at a depth of 42 km. Where has the week went so-called "swarm" of earthquakes of magnitude up to 6.4 ", - Said in a statement.

No injuries or damage, the threat of a tsunami has not been announced.

Опубликовано:   25-05-2013, 15:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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