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In Vladivostok, started the International Brass Band Festival

May 17 at the main base of the Pacific Fleet at the central square of Vladivostok the opening of the International Festival of brass bands, which will take place over three days.

In Vladivostok, started the International Brass Band Festival

International festival of wind instruments has opened in the capital of Primorye

Traditionally music festival has opened the most numerous military band staff of the Pacific Fleet.
Musical group, which has for many years led a military musician and conductor, head of the military band service PF, Honored Artist of Russia Colonel Konstantin Selivanov, is an indispensable party to all naval and city holidays.

Without it can not do any military parade. A lot of times, became the winner of international music competitions and festivals of military music. Every long voyage on warships in foreign ports this team mandated to represent the military band service of the Pacific Fleet.

Besides the main naval orchestra, the International Festival takes part musical group PNI Makarov, the governor's brass band, jazz MSU. Nevel, cadet brass band Artyom urban district, a brass band, Mudanjiang City, Yanji City Orchestra and a number of children's creative teams.

The bands will perform on the open areas of the city - on the waterfront, in the squares and in the central square of Vladivostok - VestiRegion.ru says head of information management Captain 1st Rank Roman Martov.

In Vladivostok, started the International Brass Band Festival

Опубликовано:   17-05-2013, 15:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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