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Vladivostok continues to repair the road Tokarev lighthouse

Vladivostok continues to repair the road Tokarev lighthouse

Municipal Enterprise "Roads of Vladivostok," continued the reconstruction of the road running through the streets Tokarevskiy Lighthouse and Tokarevskaya Cat.

Road builders laid crushed stone base, then begin laying asphalt.

According to the Bill of Quantities are to be laid two layers of asphalt and a layer of wear. The upper layer will schebenochnomastichnogo of asphalt which has a better performance compared with conventional asphalt and consequently increases the life of the road. This coating was applied in the reconstruction of the road from the station to the Sanatorium railway crossing near the bus stop "Postyshev" as well as on the new track "settlement. New - De-Friz - Sedanka - b. Patroclus."

Опубликовано:   8-05-2013, 14:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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