In major Chinese cities cuisine does not give up under the onslaught of Japanese sushi, but is undergoing some changes. In particular, the move to the molecular level. Most of these restaurants appear in the Chinese mega-cities: Beijing and Shanghai as well as Hong Kong, writes .
The restaurant Bo Innovation, which is owned by Mr. Leung, reputation is maintained by a gourmet dishes X-Treme Chinese. It is a combination of molecular gastronomy and fusion. "Leung kind of guy who can do the classic Chinese dumplings syaolug, which consists of filling soup with a drop of egg" - Colleagues say Chinese restaurateur. Recall that the stuffing dumplings xiao chi is typically chopped pork, at least - seafood or vegetables. But for the Chinese, it is more than the dough and filling: xiao chi considered as a whole in the direction of Chinese cuisine. In each region, this dish its unique taste and flavor, but the dumplings in the style of fusion as long as you can find in expensive restaurants in the major cities.
"Modern Chinese restaurant should preserve its national cuisine, but go to the next level - said the" star "chef Alvin Leung, who recently visited Beijing. - A huge variety of products to provide a wide platform for the experiments of modern cuisine. " But, as summarized edition of the "China Daily", the concept of a good restaurant is built not only on the stellar reviews of colleagues or extracted prizes. First of all, it's well-cooked meals and a high level of service. But they are in fact, on April 25 in Beijing assess the expert committee. The best will be rewarded Time Out Food Awards.
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