42 cities are preparing to take the "Green Marathon" Sberbank
Photo: Savings
In the pre-Olympic year Sberbank - the General Partner of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi - the second time to hold the "Green Marathon", which kicks off May 182013 in 42 cities of Russia.
Every single member of the race can take a step to a healthier lifestyle and feel involvement in the Olympic Games in Sochi, breaking the symbolic distance of 4.2 km. At the conclusion of the sports race participants and guests will be able to contribute to the improvement of the city, and thus to the sustainable development of the country, continuing the tradition of planting trees in the cities participating in the project.
In May 2012 at the start of the Marathon across Russia came out more than 30000 sports fans. In Khabarovsk, the event was attended by over 1200 people. The youngest participant race was only 1.5 years, the most senior member of the race was 67-year-old teacher Pacific University. At the end of the holiday was planted 42 pine trees. In the Far East to All-Russian festival of the Savings Bank also joined in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Blagoveshchensk.
Savings Initiative has been highly appreciated by experts. "Green Marathon" was included in the "Billion Tree", which is implemented by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). Project Savings Bank also won the Award Organizing Committee "Sochi 2014" for his contribution to sustainable development "Towards the Future," and this year is being held under the auspices of the Environmental Programme "Sochi 2014".
Savings Bank is actively involved in the activities of the Organizing Committee "Sochi 2014" action-oriented, which can not only reduce the impact on the environment and ecology of the Sochi region in preparation for the 2014 Olympic Games, but also give a powerful impetus to the development of the environmental movement in the country and promote the principles of sustainable development. As part of the "Green Marathon 2013" by the participants and guests of the festival will be planted about 3000 new trees.
"The Olympic Games - sport and the world, it's timeless values and important legacy not only for Sochi, but also for the whole country - said the Deputy Chairman of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov. - For the Savings Bank, the General Partner "Sochi 2014", "Green Marathon" - a priority project, which allows to bring the maximum number of Russians in the Olympic movement, drew attention to the environment and promote sustainable development of the whole country. "
Organizers of the "Green Marathon" are expected not only runners, but their fans: in the event, scheduled for festive entertainment program for children and adults.
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