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On Thursday in Vladivostok chance of rain and snow, strong wind

On Thursday in Vladivostok chance of rain and snow, strong wind Photo: focus.ua

Today, April 18 weather conditions in Primorye determine: night field of high-pressure day-fronts. In the region at night, rain, rain in places in the afternoon (rain and snow). Wind northwest, west and moderate. Temperatures of +2 -11 ° C, the day +4 +9 ° C.

In Vladivostok, cloudy, night, rain, rain in the afternoon (rain and snow. Moderate westerly wind at night, daytime north moderate to strong. Night temperature 0 +2 ° C, daytime +5 +7 ° C. The level of radiation 11 mR /hr.

B Ussurijsk cloudy, rain. Wind northwest umerennyy.Temperatura night air -0 -2 ° C, 7 day . +9 ° C.

in Nakhodka, partly cloudy, rain at night, daytime precipitation (rain and snow). wind northwest, moderate wind. temperature of the air at -1 +1 ° C, daytime +5 +7 ° C.

Опубликовано:   18-04-2013, 09:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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