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Entrepreneurship Week held in Vladivostok

Entrepreneurship Week held in Vladivostok
More than 700 representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from all over the Far Eastern Federal District gathered on an island in the Russian Far East Entrepreneurship Week.

"Conferences and congresses are held in Primorye business for over ten years, they have become an effective platform for interaction between government and business. Therefore, it was decided - to raise the event to the level of the Far East", - said the director of the Department of Economics of Primorsky Krai Nikolai Dubinin.

According to Nikolai Dubinin, expanded geography - is not the only distinctive feature of the business forum of the year. "A separate block will meet and" round tables "with the participation of representatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. Much attention will be paid to the issues of youth entrepreneurship and the topic of how to participate in the business of people with disabilities," - he said.

As part of the Far Eastern Entrepreneurship Week winners were awarded "Entrepreneur of Primorye - 2012." Winners of competitions on behalf of the regional governor Vladimir Miklushevsky welcomed Alexander Kostenko. "Entrepreneurship - is the most important institution, and everyone here in this room, do a lot for the development of the Primorsky Territory," - said Alexander Kostenko.

The best entrepreneurs in 2012 selected 15 categories.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the production of industrial products" - OOO "EchoStar Technology", Vladivostok.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of agricultural production, processing of agricultural products" - individual entrepreneur GKFH Tretyakov, Eugene S., Chernigov municipal district, village Chernigovka.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of food production" - OOO "valeologist" Ussuriysk.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the construction, design and maintenance" - individual entrepreneur Vasilina V. Markin, Nakhodka.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of wood processing and furniture manufacturing" - individual entrepreneur Michael A. Cooper, Shkotovsky municipal district, village Smolyaninovo.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in fisheries and aquaculture" - Company "Troika" Terneisky municipal district, village Peretychiha.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of information technology and communication" - LLC "Art Media Holding", Artem.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of trade" - individual entrepreneur Maltsev Natalia Petrovna, St. Michael's municipal area, the village Mykolaivka.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the transport and auto services" OOO "TIS-Logistic", Vladivostok.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the personal services sector", LLC "Snowflake", Vladivostok.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the housing sector" - OOO "Housing Company Partners" Shkotovsky municipal district, village Smolyaninovo.

"The best enterprise (entrepreneur) in the field of restaurant and hotel services" - OOO "Hotel Taiga" Arsenyev.

"Best Company (owner) of the social sphere" - LLC "Your Doctor", Partisan Municipal District, the village of Vladimir-Aleksandrovskoe.

"Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year" - individual entrepreneur Vitaly V. Kolesnik, Vladivostok.

"Swing" - Managing Company "SpasskZhilServis" Spassky municipal district, village Spassky.

For the first time this year, held a separate competition for projects of young entrepreneurs under the age of 30 years, "You - the entrepreneur." The winners were: Anastasia Shaymordanova that organized children's recreation centers "My joy", LLC "Fancy Armor Rus" for the creation of the enterprise for the production of accessories for travel and sole proprietor Anna Selifonova, with the project "motor freight services in Hope area."

Опубликовано:   15-05-2013, 13:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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