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Maritime authority money will help nonprofit organizations useful

Maritime authority money will help nonprofit organizations useful

The deputies of the Legislative Assembly approved the Law "On the support of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Primorsky Territory" in the second and third readings.

In support of the regional budget entitled entities conducting prevention of child abandonment, support for mothers and children and improve the quality of life of older people, social adaptation of persons with disabilities, the strengthening of inter-ethnic relations, prevention of extremism, the development of civil society, civic and patriotic education, local history, and volunteer fire brigades.

Provides for financial, property, information and counseling, as well as the possibility of placing a socially oriented non-profit organizations of orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs.

As the financial support from the regional budget socially oriented NGOs through a competitive tender, a subsidy for the partial reimbursement of project expenditures. To support the government as they can, by passing non-profit organizations in the possession or use of property owned by the province.

The order to support socially oriented NGOs in the Primorye regional administration set.

"It's kind of restoring order in the various councils, foundations and public institutions that operate in the Primorsky Territory, so they know the rules of their support, and liability in case of misuse of the funds allocated for this purpose," - The deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly for Social Policy and civil rights protection Pavel Serebryakov.

Опубликовано:   28-03-2013, 03:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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