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In Primorye gassed poisoned 14-year-old boy

In the village of bayonet, near the forest was found the body of 14-year-old boy. After seeing the place incident. , Police found two cans of gas and consumer package.

In Primorye gassed poisoned 14-year-old boy

Teenager in Primorye poisoned by household gas

The audit revealed that his parents twice found him unconscious at home. Estimated reason - cooking gas poisoning. Classmates also confirmed that the boy was breathing gas regularly for about six months.

They also found that the child has been taken into account in the inspection of the juvenile.

Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reports VestiRegion.ru that will soon take place in the Primorye preventive measures whose main purpose - identifying juvenile drug addicts. Serious conversation await those vendors and shopkeepers, who are not shy to sell children cooking gas.

Опубликовано:   27-03-2013, 12:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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