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MPs propose to include foster care, including

MPs propose to include foster care, including MPs propose to include foster families, including children without parental care and placed under guardianship in the circle of beneficiaries who are entitled to free land. Amendments to the law "On the free provision of land plots to citizens with three or more children in the Primorsky Territory" were discussed at the September 11 meeting of the committee of the Legislative Assembly for Food Policy and the Environment. The bill proposes to include in the concept of "children" adopted children, as well as to specify the list of documents attached to the application for the free provision of land in ownership. Also provides for the denial of land to citizens who are bringing foster children, if at the date of the decision on the agreement ceased to operate a foster home. During the discussion, the opinion expressed by Chairman of the Committee on Rules, deputy ethics and organization of ES PC Mezhonov Constantine, who pointed out the inconsistency of the legal status of the family (adoption) and foster children, and offered to put a priority adoption. "Soon there will be a working group of deputies, representatives of the administration PC, prosecutors and the Ministry of Justice to reveal all the contradictions in the draft amendments to the law to exclude corruption-factors and the potential for abuse by unscrupulous people", - said chairman of the Eugene Zotov. In addition, to address the relevant committee, the draft amendments to the law be referred to the Council of Municipalities of the Primorsky Territory for review and consideration of proposals of local deputies and heads. In the first reading of the bill will be included in the agenda of the next session of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai, scheduled for September 25.

Maritime Agency 24.

Опубликовано:   12-09-2013, 19:41      |      Категория:  eng news

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