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The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories

The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories . Residents have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His novels, stories, dystopias and work Salinger collect hundreds of people in Palo audiences over the past few years. His lecture, he holds absolutely free: anyone can touch the world of foreign literature. 11 September lecture, which opens the cycle of " Journey to the End of the Night, or the Western European literature of the twentieth century ", attracted a record number of people. hall could be more than a hundred guests, was full. Some students even had to get on the floor. But and all listened to the teacher with the full involvement and attention, brushing his knees neighbor and enthusiastically inhaling stale air. correspondent of RIA "Vladnews" presents excerpts from a lecture given by Maxim Beetle: "The First World War undermined the people's faith in reason and the beneficence of technological progress. At the same time, there was a destruction of the Christian world view. Political regimes have turned into a bloody pulp. If we consider the worldview of the people as an elegant nineteenth-century porcelain vase, in the twentieth it broke into many pieces, "" science is immoral. Now it has its own goal, "" In the book "The Revolt of the Masses" Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset the author talks about "spiritual plebeian" - human mass. He is confident in its perfection and denies other people's authority. He is vulgar, but is not shy about it and did not even consider it vulgar. Such a man is not stupid, but has a set of religious stereotypes. In politics, it's such rulers as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, "" In the twentieth century, there is only one kind of art is not created in ancient Greece - the cinema. Accelerated reproduction of works of art. And the availability of art refers to the total of its desacralization "" In the first half of the twentieth century, two major areas of art: realism and modernism. And if the realists are trying to glue the broken vase outlook, the modernists have a moral shock, contemplating the mountain of debris, "" In the work of modernist writers manifested introversion, for they try to portray, not only reveal the inner world of the characters, but the essence of Genesis, not its outward forms " "Modernists deny the traditional type of narrative. They open a new form: the so-called "stream of consciousness". In the novel "Ulysses" by James Joyce took him an entire chapter, "Monologue sleepy woman," in which there is no punctuation mark "" Modernism involves a strong reader "theme next meeting - Oscar Wilde's work with his tales, not intended for children. Lectures will be held every Wednesday from September 11 to December 182013 from 19:00 to 21:00 at the address. Aleutian 65-b, Palo Research Library, Room 401.
The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories The townspeople have long been known lectures Maxim Beetle. His stories

Anastasia Yaroshenko, RIA" Vladnews "

Опубликовано:   12-09-2013, 19:41      |      Категория:  eng news

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