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Office of Administration of Vladivostok

Office of Administration of Vladivostok Office of Administration of Vladivostok accepts documents of candidates for the award of youth "Have something," and the sign "Youth vector."

"Vladivostok City Administration has reviewed the conditions and procedure for the award of prizes of talented and active young people of the city of Vladivostok. Since 2013 awarded prize "There is reason!" In the amount of 100000 and mark "Youth vector" with a monetary incentive of 25000 - said the head of the Department of Youth Dmitry Nesterenko. - The basis for the award of the prize "Do what?" Is held on the case, an event that influenced the development of the city of Vladivostok and has brought benefits to the citizens. The sign "Youth vector" is awarded for significant contribution to the development of youth policy of the city of Vladivostok. " The award - is encouraging, the approval of the young people for their contribution:

the development of the attractiveness of the urban area and international integration;

in the preservation of the historical heritage of the city of Vladivostok,

Business and Economic Development;

education and awareness;

in the field of public relations and journalism,

in the field of social communications and philanthropy;

in science,

in the arts and culture;

in the field of urban planning and architecture,

in healthy lifestyles;

the development of physical culture and sports.

Documents for the award "There is reason!" And mark "Youth vector" are accepted until September 302013 in the management of the Youth Administration of Vladivostok at st. Border, 12. Contact: Chief Specialist of the Youth Julia G. Dmitriev, tel. (423). Applications are accepted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 17 hours.

Press-service of the Vladivostok

Опубликовано:   4-09-2013, 15:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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