Sports harbor quay for the summer turned into a concert venue. So, last weekend there was held a great festival "Days of Friendship between Russia and Asia." The six countries: Laos,South Korea, North Korea, China, India, Vietnam - presented their art, crafts, ethnic cuisine. This is a great event held in the frameworks of the traditional and the award-winning residents and visitors to the city of the "Vladivostok hospitable." The organizers of the festival were the administration and working capital of Primorye Vladivostok consular states - participants of the event. To the days of Latin America in the Sports Harbour have already established a large arch, but this weekend was waiting for her curious Asia - pavilions our neighboring countries. Familiar Strangers - so you could say about the states that have submitted their tourism potential in the halls. The proximity to the Russian Far Eastern borders, speed of visa or visa-free entry made staying in the neighboring powers accessible and attractive to residents of Primorye. But all we know about these countries? In China, probably, was not just lazy. Of course, the most well-trodden tourist trails lead to the border province of the Middle Kingdom, mainly for shopping. But, as it turned out in the proposed visitors guides, China is willing to offer more. And not only familiarity with ancient tombs, imperial palaces of different eras, pagodas and other historical values. In China, as for myself, I learned a lot of natural wonders, carefully stored in good parks and special areas waiting to lovers of eco-tourism facilities with the provision of cost-effective options to the highest level. And even in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, ready to take travelers to the five-star hotel. And to visit the holy city, it makes sense not only to believers, but also atheists. Lhasa is located near the resort town, where you can soak in the hot springs, to take a variety of medicinal baths. In general, Suyfenhe - this is not the whole of China. However, and not the whole Seoul South Korea. Guides in this small but very interesting country and offered to look to other parts of the state, to admire the ancient times, get to know the natural wealth and culture. Even the neighbors of South Korea's pavilion and in life - North Korea - have expressed willingness to meet tourists. In their pavilion could admire and buy souvenirs, folk art fruit and the production of alcohol. White wine tridtsatigradusnaya fortress offered by representatives of this country. However, the merchandise was present in all the tents. Tried and surprised China, the hosting of the master embroiderer. And the eyes of the public brought forth a masterpiece of silk. Tourist information to everyone free of charge. And wishing there was plenty, the Russians are actively dismantled guides, maps. Even booklets about the unique cultural heritage of Laos in English slowly dispersing. I also gather up a small stack of informational booklets, anticipating how I would thumb through them, choosing the place where spend a vacation. Vietnam's tourism pavilion variety of advertising did not differ, but won all the dishes of the national cuisine. In a makeshift tavern Russians with pleasure was eating soup "Pho" rice noodles with meat, regaled pancakes "Him." Although the entertainment was free for exploring the Vietnamese cuisine lined up. Citizens are actively bought and coffee grown in this country. By the way, the Vietnamese do not brew the drink on technology familiar to us. They insist it in special devices, which immediately could buy. India was represented with two pavilions. In one - incense, cotton checkered clothes, Vedic drugs for health and beauty. Another no less popular tea. There was a smell of my childhood, which gave off a pack with elephant. And though this animal has disappeared from the packaging, flavoring hope offered for tasting tea justified. And, perhaps, for the thanks of the pavilions could only carry tea bags and tourist information. Everything else for the Dollar, politely and with a smile. Asia, in one word. In parallel with the work of the pavilions on the waterfront concert began creative groups of countries - participants of the festival. Opened its actors from North Korea, pleasantly surprising knowledge of the Russian language and our songs. To the sound of vibrating thin audience votes cruised between the stage and pavilions. And while the sun beat down, all the people on the waterfront increases. No wonder they say "addictive Asia."
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