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. The city conducts routine pressure test

. The city conducts routine pressure test . The city conducts routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks. Withinthese works from 12 to 19 August 2013 will be disconnected from the hot water supply consumers at the following addresses: Soviet area - from the factory "Dawn" to the streets of Borodino. Pervorechenskij area - the streets of Borodino, Irtysh, Karbysheva, Maitland, Gamarnik Heroes Varyag, Postishev Shoshina, Volgograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Tukhachevskogo Vostretsova, Kornilov, Pechora, South Ural, Dnepr, Dnieper Lane, Kama, Kama Lane, Firsov, Kolesnik Avenue, 100th anniversaryVladivostok, Volkhov, Ovchinnikov, Zavoiko, Kornilov, Nakhimov district Snegovaya Pad - completely. Frunze district - completely. Leninsky district - street Semyonovskaya, 29313030-a, 323436; Svetlanskaya, 2931353737 and ,39-a ,39-b, 3838/4044 and 444648; Uborevicha, 357 7 and 9 9 and 6 8 October, Utkinskaya Komarova; Nerchinskaya, 2468103212325 27; Fokin, 242626-a, 26-b, 29; Coast, 368 Mast Quay, 7 7-in; OceanProspect, 810 a, 10-b, 10/12; Partisan Avenue, 268101212 and 1416/1817 Red Lane, 9/11. Pervomajskij district - all consumers, except for the streets: Borisenko, 17 and 1719 and 1921232527; Fadeev, 2 4 and 466-a, 6-b 6-a ,6-g-d 688 a, 8 b, 8 d, 1010-a, 10-b, 1212-a, 12-b, 12-a 1414 a, 14 b, 14 d, 1616-a, 16-a, 18-a, Narva, 6; Nikiforov, 375355 (1 cycle) 57 (1 unit) ; Safonova, 21820 and 20 (master) 242630323436(KSI number 2), 33/133/23739; Grizodubovoy, 50 (w /w number 21), 5153616365676971; Chasovitin 1 3 , 577 and 9 9-a (branch clinic number 6), 11131515-a (ANS), 1721232527; Heroes Hassan, 461012; Grizodubovoy, 31333537 and 37 (IM) 394143454749; M.Raskovoy, 1234567 , 92-a (hostel) Communication, 3 (HBC-117), 5 (HBC-111).


Cause of the trip and responsible organization

Timing shutdown

100th anniversary of Vladivostok fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


100 years Vladivostoku, 29a, 30 Z0a, 30b Z0v, 313232a, 32b, 333434a, 353636b, 3737a, 3838a, 3939a, 40a, 41

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

The 1st Marine, 11

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

2nd Decking, 3

Repair of heating


50 years of the Komsomol, 171927

Overhaul of heat networks and heat chamber (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Avrorovskaya, 7 9a, 24

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Aksakov, 1 3a

Recovery of the chamber (MUP "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Aksakov Lane, 91113

Recovery of the chamber (MUP "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Aleutskaya, 6161 and 658290

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company")

August 15

Arsenyev, 689/3

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Coast, 368

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Bestuzhev, 3135/336

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company")

August 15

Borodino fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks



routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Verkhneportovaya, 25612b, 12c

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far EastGeneration Company ")

August 15



Repair of heating


Volgograd fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Volodarskogo 19

The work is the management company

Volkhovskaya fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Vostretsova fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Primorsk heating networks""DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Elm, 23567891012

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Gamarnika fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Heroes of the Varyag fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Gogol, 19

Recovery of the chamber (MUP "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")




Repair of heating


Gromov, 4681012

Repair of heating


Gulbinovicha, 161820222430

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Davydov, 53

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Derzhavina, 15171921

Recovery of the chamber (MUP "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Dnipro fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Dnipro lane completely

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Dnipropetrovsk fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Yenisei all

To overhaul the heating system in st. Russian (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")

Prior to 08/05/13

Yenisei, 20212222a, 2324

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Zavoiko fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of"DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Zavoiko, 6

Gusts of heating MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks"


Zaporizhia, 246

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


International, 51

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


International, 535557596163656971

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


International, 5460

Repair of heating DHW


Irtyshskaya fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kalinin, 3941434547495143a, 45a, 47a, 51a

RepairDHW heating


Kama fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kamsky lane completely

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kaplunov, 13581112131517 23

Repair of heating


Karbysheva fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kirov, 30424444

Relaying a section of heat UT-0127-0129 ("Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

Until 04102013

Kolesnik fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Komarova fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Mast Quay, 77-in

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kornilov fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kornilov fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks



The work is the management company

The Red Lane, 9/11

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kuznetsova, 5353/1

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Kuznetsova, 727476788082848890 92

Repair of heating


Ladygina, 21113151719

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Magnitogorskaya, 161820242628

To overhaul the heating system in st. Russian (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")

Prior to 08/05/13

Magnitogorsk, 791113

Relaying a section of heat UT-0127-0129 ("Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is


Nadibaidze, 1117

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Nadibaidze, 262834

The work is the management company

Nakhimov fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Nevelsky 11113152123252729

Repair of heating


Neybuta, 85877577818381a

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Nekrasovskiy Lane, 24

Recovery of the chamber (MUP "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")




The work is the management company

Nerchinskaya, 2468103212325 27

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Ovchinnikov fully

plannedHydraulic tests on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Ovchinnikov, 246810

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is



Okatova, 135791111 and 1a, 3a, 9a, 131517192115a, 17a, 19a

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Okatova, 2/1246810121416 1820

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Ocean avenue, 394143

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Ocean Avenue, 810-a, 10-b, 10/12

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


October totally

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


October, 25

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Partisan Avenue, 268101212 and 1416/1817

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Pervomajskij district - all consumers, exceptStreets:

Borisenko, 1717 and 1919 and 21232527

Fadeyeva, 244 and 6 6 a, 6 b-6-a ,6-g-d 688 a, 8 b, 8 d, 1010 - a, 10-b, 1212-a, 12-b, 12 a, 1414-a, 14-b, 14 d, 1616-a, 16-a, 18-a;

Narva, 6;

Nikiforov, 375355 (1 unit), 57 (1 unit)

Safonova, 21820 and 20 (master) 242630323436 (KSI number 2), 33/133/23739

Grizodubovoy, 50 (w /w number 21), 5153616365676971

Chasovitin, 13577 and 9 9-a (branch clinic number 6), 11131515-a (ANS), 1721232527


Heroes of Hasan, 461012

Grizodubovoy, 31333537 and 37 (IM) 394143454749

M.Raskovoy, 123456792 and (hostel)

Communication, 3 (HBC-117), 5 (HBC-111).

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Pechora fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Polar, 134567891/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Postyshev fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Posetsky, 16171922

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company")

August 15

Russian, 252727a, 27b, 29

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")

Prior to 08/05/13

Russian, 2a, 3579111717a

To overhaul the heating system in st. Russian (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")

Prior to 08/05/13

Russian, 5981111 a, 131517a

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Ryleev 8

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Svetlanskaya, 2931353737 and a ,39-b ,39-3838/404444 a, 4648

planned hydraulictests on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Svetlanskaya, 7914

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Communication, 1202222a, 22b

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Semyonovskaya, 29313030 and 323436

routine pressure test on heating mains"Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Snow Pad, district entirely

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Soviet area of the factory "Dawn" to the streets of Borodino

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Spiridonov, 15344244

Repair of heating


Stanyukovicha, 10121416

Relaying of heating systems (Branch "Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

August 15

Sukhanov 6d, 0211-0213 UT, UT 0304 UT 0312 UT 1126112711281129 UT 0127-0134

Disable "DGC"

Tatar all

To overhaul the heating system in st. Russian (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")

Prior to 08/05/13

Tereshkovoy 135 3a, 791315171921

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Tereshkova, 10121416

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Tukhachevskogo fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Uborevicha, 357 7 and 9 9-a, 68

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Ulyanovsk fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Utkinskaya fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Firsov fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Fokin, 242626-a, 26-b, 29

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Frunze district entirely

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Kharkiv, 1367911

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


Chernyakhovskogo, G, 131921

Overhaul of the heating (MUPV "Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks")


CHkalova, 6810121415161820 22

Relaying a section of heat UT-0127-0129 ("Primorsk heating networks" of "Far Eastern Generating Company") is

Until 04102013

Shoshina fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


South Ural fully

routine pressure test on heating mains "Seaside heating networks" of "DGC" and ETS MUPV Vyatskiye Polyany Electric Networks


Опубликовано:   12-08-2013, 16:36      |      Категория:  eng news

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