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Tomorrow, August 8 at the stadium "Avangard"

Tomorrow, August 8 at the stadium "Avangard" Tomorrow, August 8 at the stadium "Vanguard" will be the second home race teams "East". Dirt track "Vanguard", "East" will meet with Bashkir "Salavat". This race will be the drivers for Vladivostok fourth in the championship of Russia in 2013. Recall that the first meeting with the "Salavat", held on May 16 in Bashkiria, ended in victory for the home track with a score of 45:44. The second meeting with the "October" has brought our drivers first win of the season, the outcome of the meeting - 34:56. Race with Togliatti "Mega-Lada" ended with the score - 45:45. In the race that promises to be a tense and exciting at the track will be released Laguta Gregory, Alex Kharchenko, Ivan Baldy, Maxim Karaichentsev, Michael Baldy, Sergey Logatchev, Vadim Tarasenko and Daniel Litvinov. As part of the Bashkir national team - Emil Saifutdinov, Cyril Cukanov, Sergei Darkin, Semen Vlasov, Sergei Polenok, Vadim Yamilov, Denis Gizatullin and Andrey Ezhov. Racers "East" invite their fans, residents and visitors to the Russian championship race in 2013. Tickets can be purchased at the stadium "Vanguard". Start of competitions in 19 hours.

Опубликовано:   7-08-2013, 17:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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