In Vladivostok, launched an environmental project "Batteries
In Vladivostok, launched an environmental project "Batteries - the second life of a friend!". It is estimated that one penlight batteries, carelessly thrown in the trash, heavy metals can contaminate about 20 cubic meters land, and in the forest area is a nesting ground for two trees, two moles, hedgehogs and a few thousand earthworms! As you know, the batteries contain various heavy metals, which, even in small amounts can cause harm to human health. This zinc, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury, etc. After her discharge batteries metallic coating is destroyed, and heavy metals into the soil and groundwater. From groundwater, these metals can get into rivers and lakes or reservoirs used for drinking water supply. To prevent this, the capital of Primorye, opened the first point to receive the used batteries. The point is antikafe "The Department of Culture" at the address. Svetlanskaya 5. As RIA «VladNews» organizers, all brought to the center of the battery is given to Samsung, where the program "Ekoboks" are further utilization.
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