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No, at first wanted to laugh: Well, at least this way,

No, at first wanted to laugh: Well, at least this way, No, at first wanted to laugh: Well, at least this way and won ¬ devils did our father, though a stroke of a pen what ¬ ever there deputy for educational work, but still A miracle! There were devils - no devils. Amen. And then it became something not very funny. I always thought that I live in a secular state. One where everyone has the right to religious belief, where separation of church and state. And any church - Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic. In a country where not allowed to wear headscarves in school, and may be deprived of parental rights for the "exorcism" of the baby, but comfortable with the fact that everyone lives according to their faith, thus fulfilling the law of the state And now I'm at a loss. If all this is so, then why all of a sudden the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in the little devils to attend to the fact that the secular, so also has become deeply folk festival military ¬ Navy? As the presence of devils in the retinue of the lord of the seas offended the feelings of Orthodox priests? And why, with all the diversity of religions in our multicultural and mnogokonfessionnom state is the opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church has found it necessary to heed the fleet management? Should I now wait exception of pork from the menu at the request of the Muslim clergy? Preparation of kosher products at the request of the Jewish clergy? Allowed to sailors - Buddhists meditate? Questions, of course, the darkness. Disappear if the next year from a script holiday Navy and Neptune himself as a representative of paganism? Mermaids and other creatures with him to perish? Replace a demonstration of fighting techniques to the sprinkling of "imaginary enemy" holy water? In what other sphere of life of the secular state find it necessary to intervene priests? And will respond to their intervention in the same servile, as is the case with Neptune? I can imagine how much this will cause angry rebuke my column. But, nevertheless, continue. Everyone has the right to religious belief. Has the right to go to church, to observe the canons. But once a person starts screaming at each corner, beating his chest about what he believes and why should beat all those who believe in that - something different, so in this true faith and ends. Begin the Black Hundred, the Inquisition and the Crusades from the burning of babies in the name of the "true faith." In our country, it seems to me, to what was left of this obscurantism ¬ then a couple of steps. And it is - it is terrible. Taking care of the souls of Russians - is not the expulsion of devils from the suite of Neptune. Is that - is quite another. Absolutely. From quite another thing.

Love Berchanskaya, the newspaper "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   2-08-2013, 10:33      |      Категория:  eng news

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