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Maritimes send deputies to the State Duma

Maritimes send deputies to the State Duma Maritimes send deputies to the State Duma legislative initiative - a project of the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the air." Boundary lawmakers propose to limit the open handling of dangerous goods in dusty seaports. It is no secret that in the ports of Primorye Territory is transshipment of coal in open areas. The problem is that coal is actually rolls over to port piers, which are located inside the settlements. The level of concentration of dust in the air at the open handling exceeds all possible indicators. This is easily seen passing by the port of Nakhodka. The dust cloud hangs over the port, which means it can settle on buildings, cars, playgrounds, etc. In general, the occupation, at least, would be unprofitable for others. A working group consisting of members of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Primorsky Territory, MPs and representatives of Justice prepared a draft legislative initiative and sent it to the State Duma of Russia. According to experts, the expansion of coal demand in Asia Pacific and increased freight traffic will lead to a deterioration of the environmental situation in the port cities of Primorye, not only, but of the whole of the Far East, thereby increasing social tensions. The committee on food policy and nature of the regional administration receiving numerous complaints residents of Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Khasan district of the air pollution in connection with the operation of open coal terminals at the ports. On businesses imposed fines and penalties are inevitable, there is a temporary suspension of work on transfer of coal, but the situation does not change. Practical experience has shown the world that you can limit the adverse effects by setting the port equipment for closed overload dusty dry bulk cargoes. The inevitability of the installation of such equipment is inevitable. Accordingly, there was a proposal to amend the Federal Law 'On Sea Ports "and legislate the rate of transshipment at sea ports of hazardous dust-bulk cargo only with the use of specialized handling system, equipped with a sealed handling equipment, covered cargo warehouses. Another important point is that things are changing in the fact that the changes themselves stipulate the obligation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of hazardous chemical, biological and physical impacts on the air, lead production control with the use of measurements that provide continuous automatic measurement of emissions into the environment pollutants.

Eugene Zhitnikova, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   1-08-2013, 19:33      |      Категория:  eng news

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