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Pacific Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Sergei Avakyants approved

Pacific Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Sergei Avakyants approved Pacific Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Sergei Avakyants approved the program of major events celebrating the Day of Navy of Russia July 282013 in the Pacific Fleet. In the celebrations will be attended by representatives of the Eastern Military District Command, Pacific Fleet and cooperating law enforcement agencies, the heads of the federal and regional authorities, veterans of the Navy Pacific Fleet. Celebrations dedicated to the professional holiday, will be held in all the units and on ships, in places where the fleet. Vladivostok finalized assigned forces and troops to the naval parade rehearsals pageant. The number of participants will be several hundred people. Marine Parade line will represent the different classes of surface ships and submarines. Holiday concert-congratulation on the Day of Russian Navy, held on Thursday 25 July from 1600 to 1730 in the Vladivostok House of officers of the fleet. In the pre-holiday in naval teams will solemn assemblies will be held honoring veterans of naval service. Day celebration, July 28 will begin with the construction personnel for the ceremonial raising of the flag and the flags of St. Andrew colorization, announcements and greetings orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Chief of the Navy Command and the Military Council of the Pacific Fleet. July 28 at 1020 will be a ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame memorial "Battle Glory of the Pacific Fleet." Start naval parade will be held at 11:00 am, immediately after which, at 1200 to begin theatrical performance "legendary people. Heroic fleet. " The venue will be the Amur Bay and Water station PF. Scenario pageant this year will amount to more than twenty episodes that tell stories about the pages inverse Russia, present day fleet, will be demonstrated capabilities of weapons and military equipment of the fleet, made martial exercises, sports, music, comic numbers. Spectators will be able to assess the proficiency antisubmarine, katernikov, miners, marines, soldiers of special purpose, skill athletes and artists and artistic groups of the fleet of the city, residents of children's patriotic clubs. Traditional participants of the show as always perform Neptune and his entourage - the thirteenth consecutive year, this role will play a captain Victor Kravets. Fireworks celebration is complete, the first salvo of which will be made at 2200. Due to the special regime of security measures in the course of the maritime parade and water-sports festival on 27 and 28 July, from 700 to 1600 will be closed to outsiders find all ships and boats plot number 7 raid the port of Vladivostok. During the entire parking lot to the Pacific Fleet warships line the parade to avoid incidents and to provide the necessary counter-terrorism measures approach to the ships at a distance of less than three cables is prohibited. Kindly requested to ship owners and lovers of water sports to abandon attempts to penetrate to the area and to comply with the leaders of the forces cordoned off the area.

Опубликовано:   25-07-2013, 10:18      |      Категория:  eng news

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