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Mast heterogeneous grouping of the Pacific

Mast heterogeneous grouping of the Pacific Mast heterogeneous grouping of the Pacific Fleet during the exercises performed more than fifty combat exercises and spent about thirty rocket and artillery fire. To act in the gangs were involved in the guided-missile cruiser "Varyag", large anti-submarine ship "Marshal Shaposhnikov" and "Admiral Vinogradov" large landing ships "Osljabja" and "Nicholas fork", the destroyer "Quick" small missile and anti-submarine ships , missile boats and support vessels. Also widely been involved naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery units, marines, navy rescue forces and forces the center of logistics Pacific Fleet. As part of combat training the crews of the ships in the Sea of Okhotsk were carried out missile and artillery firing at air and surface targets. Ship grouping of different forces searched the simulated enemy submarine. Intelligence activities were carried out search and strike groups are lowered using a towed sonar. To provide anti-aircraft tasks involved naval aviation Pacific Fleet Tu-142 and Il-38. Was successfully carried out naval operation on the landing on unequipped coast of Sakhalin Island Marines division of Kamchatka and Primorye. During the inspection period naval forces have been performed more than fifty combat exercises of varying difficulty, held about thirty rocket and artillery fire, eleven of which were without preparation of set-off. Naval Aviation in collaboration with the Pacific Fleet ships carried out more than twelve of control exercises. According to the Pacific Fleet Command of all the problems of sudden checks in general have been made in full and with good quality.

Опубликовано:   24-07-2013, 14:05      |      Категория:  eng news

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