In Primorye, a meeting of the inter-ministerial committee to assist in the organization of the Unified State Examination. As pointed out in his speech, Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory Alexander Zubritskiy, in the Unified State Exam in 2013 took part in the Primorye 10642 people, including high school graduates this year - 10340 people.
For the province worked 130 points for examinations and nine points in the primary processing of information, as well as a regional processing center. On exam 2013 attended 238 public observers.
The distribution of participants' interests to pass the exam optional subjects in 2013 is fully consistent with national trends. The most popular items exam in 2013 were Social Studies - 7921 people (7143 percent), physics -3046 people (27.5 percent), history - 2522 persons (22.7 per cent), Biology - 1860 people (16.7 percent) , Chemistry - 1264 (11.4 percent).
For five years, remains strong interest of the participants to the social studies exam, significantly increased the number of graduates who chose physics.
The smallest number of participants USE celebrated annually on geography and literature.
Compared to last year with eight to 49 people, the number of participants in the exam, passed the exams for 100 points. From 416 to 1164 people increased the number of participants in the exam, the exam that got more than 85 points.
The number of participants in the exam, do not have passed the Russian language, decreased
from 441 in 2012 to 188 in 2013 in mathematics - from 901 in 2012 to 843 in 2013.
During the period of CSE has worked and continues to work grievance commission of Primorsky Krai. In 2013 a conflict commission has already received 869 applications of graduates of educational institutions on the edge of 11 general subjects. The largest number of appeals filed in mathematics - 393 (2012 Year - 336), the Russian language - 82 (2012 - 231), the social studies - 107 (2012 -85), stories - 55 (2012 - 77).
As a result of the conflict Commission was granted 85 appeals (9.7 percent).
For all general subjects, with the exception of the French language, compared with 2012 increased the average score.
The top five on the results of the exam includes Vladivostok Arsenyev Fokino, Nakhodka, Lesozavodsk, an outsider - Border, Khankaysky, Anuchinsky, Red, Terneisky areas.
At the edge of the top ten schools on the results of the USE in Russian language were: high school number 1 Nakhodka, a gymnasium № 1 in Vladivostok, a gymnasium № 2 in Vladivostok, high school number 41 in Vladivostok, a village school Ilyinka Khankaisky area, gymnasium № 1 of Artyom, a school number 9 in Vladivostok, the village school Mykolaivka Partyzansky, school number 56 of Vladivostok and high school number 7 in Arsenyev.
As emphasized by participants in the meeting, on the whole exam in 2013 was organized without comment.
The main objectives, the meeting was called to further improve the regional model of assessing the quality of education through technology exam. It was also decided to continue the expansion of a positive educational experience, teachers with high productivity participate in the exam. Municipal education authorities tasked to analyze the results of each exam educational institution and to develop measures to improve the effectiveness of the exam, as well as to organize the discussion of the exam in 2013 in teacher meetings to be held in August.