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Today, July 22 live on radio was a new VBC

Today, July 22 live on radio was a new VBC Today, July 22 on Radio VBC released a new edition of the program "Dialogues on the other." The program attended by the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. The mayor of the city spoke with Marty leading to a particularly summer theme - about hobbies and interests. - I did not have such a hobby, so I collected stamps or coins. We subscribed to magazines, and if you managed to sign up for a series of a famous writer, that subscription stood on the shelf and all show up. Although my classmate was fond of collecting stamps, and the education system strongly supported such passions: youth to talk about it, learn something new. Recently, I was delighted to learn that our Primorye, collecting stamps - very enthusiastic and interesting people who are pleasant to communicate. In China, too, is a hobby is very developed, and our friends with philatelists kitayskmi colleagues. Because now the whole world is open to dialogue on interests, needs only time and money. - Any activity by any kind of high quality, deep - is a matter of respect for the person who is engaged in it. He collects stamps, coins, corks from bottles, if he does so with knowledge of the case and can tell you about every copy of his collection - it is work, and, of course, is a holiday because it's a change of activity. Let's say you work for a manager, engineer, programmer, the driver, and you have an occupation that allows you to switch completely and think otherwise. It does not matter whether you are chasing sailing, walking hiking, Member of team to search for missing aircraft or vehicles of the Second domestic or doing the study of caves in the Primorsky Krai - if you do not think it allows some time on their main job, then it is a hobby, rest. A person who has a hobby - a happy man - said the head of Vladivostok.

Опубликовано:   22-07-2013, 19:32      |      Категория:  eng news

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