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- 21 years ago - says chief director

- 21 years ago - says chief director - 21 years ago - says theater director Victor Busarenko - when I was still working at the theater named after Maxim Gorky, I was approached by the puppet theater actress Tatiana and Natalia Vedernikova Pen'kova, was asked to write a short play for them for independent work. As a basis we took the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Then play like the leadership of puppet theater, it was decided to put it on stage. It was in the repertoire of 18 years (in recent years on a small stage), two generations of actors have been through this production. Not so long ago, Victor Busarenko decided to bring the "Red Riding Hood" in the repertoire of the big stage, make it brighter, bigger 've got an idea - to perform the play in the art dolls. - And then it became clear - says Victor Busarenko - that the two actresses will not cope with the dolls, we need one more character. And he appeared. Mim Bip was conceived as an auxiliary character, but suddenly became a major. Our performance - an improvisation in the style of street theater, which often gave performances in city squares in Europe, there are a lot of dances and songs, the actors are alive and plan and work with puppets. In this theater - space for the imagination, and we go down this path, we engage in the performance of children to, we give them an opportunity to imagine something to get excited imagination Bip the Mime gave the new "Red Riding Hood" a kind of French accent. On stage and the French flag appears, and the "Marseillaise" sung, but not enough - each doll has its prototype of some sort of a cult figure of French culture. Bip - a nod in the direction of the theater Marcel Marceau. Little Red Riding Hood puppeteers created, inspired by the way the young Mireille Mathieu, and my grandmother - it's Brigitte Bardot in a deep maturity. A police officer - by Charles Perrault it was a hunter - born in the image of Louis de Funes. Wolf - well, it's a French bully clochard Actress Victoria Yaskina and Olga Malinowska play multiple characters at the same time showing how to level three stories. First they - the puppet theater actress who appeared opportunity to go behind the screen to the viewer. Then they have saleswoman street stalls and Jacqueline Nicole - very modern, I can even say advanced, and then transform into Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood beep is played by two actors on stage - Kosenok Vasily and Alexei Belov.

BERCHANSKAYA love, photo - Karina Pozdniak

Опубликовано:   9-07-2013, 23:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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