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The applicant said that the family of her grandson running

The applicant said that the family of her grandson running The applicant said that her grandson in the family, only the father works as a mother, an experienced physician, is forced to stay at home with a small child. Family's financial situation does not allow to use the services of a private nursery school or child care. In this regard, Raisa S. asked to assist in the placement of a child in a municipal day care center, considered the possibility of providing health care to children of employees of the right to priority in obtaining seats in the municipal preschool. Chairman of the Duma of Vladivostok Helen Nowicka noted that the city has successfully implemented municipal program for the development of the network of preschool institutions, in which reconstructed the existing building kindergartens, building new. In 2012 it created an additional 500 seats in the municipal preschool. This year, continuing work on the overhaul of the two existing and the construction of three new pre-school institutions. But while the issue of providing children with places in kindergartens is not entirely resolved, so parents, many of them, and medical professionals are forced to sit with children at home, while at the same hospitals are not enough doctors and nurses. "In these extraordinary circumstances, the provision of seats in the municipal pre-school children to health care workers would reduce the shortage of specialists in health care Vladivostok. The measure of social support may be useful for all citizens. The deputies comprehensively examine the issue, "- commented Helen Nowicka. Also at the reception was raised as to the organization of the bus route to the city's cemeteries, in particular - to the Sea. Helen Nowicka has promised to bring the situation under control. "We have to respect the feelings of the people, especially in such a delicate matter. It is very important to support the initiatives coming from the citizens themselves, because people say that they really care about, "- said the Chairman of the Duma.

Vladivostok City Duma

Опубликовано:   9-07-2013, 23:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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