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In this case, the federal budget for the program

In this case, the federal budget for the program In this case, the federal budget for the program is planned to allocate 30.9 billion rubles. Earlier, the Russian government approved a program for the development of fishery industry of the Russian Federation until 2020. According to Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov, the amount of public funding to support the fisheries sector and aquaculture for seven years will be 134 billion rubles. Recall that in the Maritime region is also planned to update and modernize production assets fishing industry, as well as to develop the market of fishery products. These areas are reflected in the government program "Development of the fishing industry in the Primorsky Territory for 2013-2017", which was approved in December 2012. As described in the department of fisheries and aquatic resources of Primorsky Krai, the program aims to increase the production of competitive Russian fish and seafood advanced processing. The state program is divided into three sub-programs: "Stimulation of renovation and modernization of fixed assets fishing industry", "Development of the market of fishery products" and "Development of the system of government." Funding for the program from the regional budget in five years will be 114 billion rubles, including 220 million rubles in 2013. The program is designed to ensure the widespread use of biological resources of inland and marine areas and increase the production of fish products of mass consumption. Saleable aquaculture products will increase by 8.5 times, and the commodity fish (including canned) - 126 times. Since the end of 2010 to 2012 acted in Primorye regional target program "State support for coastal fish processing Primorsky Krai", the implementation of which in the past has been allocated 140 million rubles. As a result of increased production companies - participants of the program has increased by 29 percent.

Опубликовано:   9-07-2013, 23:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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