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Bailiffs went fishing and caught a wanted list

Bailiffs in the Border Region of Primorsky Krai on Sunday decided to go fishing in Khankaisky area.

Bailiffs went fishing and caught a wanted list

Bailiffs instead of fish caught offender

Next to them were camped a few fishermen. The face of one of them seemed very familiar to bailiffs - man looked like a man who was wanted for committing several crimes - murder threats and causing grievous bodily harm.

To verify the correctness of their assumptions, bailiffs have communicated with the "neighbor" in an informal setting. He said that the police are looking for him, he lives in a tent for a long time and soon wanted to get out of Primorye .

One of the officers immediately reported the information to the department, and then she came and the police. Wanted was arrested and detained in OMVD Russia's Primorye border areas - said the press service VestiRegion.ru UFSSP Russia for the Primorye Territory.

Bailiffs went fishing and caught a wanted list

Опубликовано:   2-07-2013, 16:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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