According to legend, at 1500 on the second floor happened
According to legend, at 1500 on the second floor happened conditional fire and smoke in the server. Alarm, evacuation began. In a matter of seconds customers and employees left the building. After 2 minutes of Parking rode in the car with the fire brigade. At the same time with the back side of the building was filed technology. Firefighters deployed fire hoses and scouted. «Fire» was successfully eliminated. All the involved services coped with the task at high enough level. Such exercises are necessary to elucidate the possible disadvantages and take measures on their elimination.
Press-service of EMERCOM Rossi for the Primorsky Krai
The prosecutors investigated how in prisons in the Primorsky Territory respect the rights of prisoners. Prosecutors checked as respect the rights of prisoners revealed a number of serious violations...
This decision was taken while on a trial basis at the request of a number of city residents. Now these buses, moving Partisan Avenue from the bus stop "Art Gallery", will embark and disembark...
Thus, according to the study, 11 percent. workers were laid off from the company's own fault. More specifically, the reason they see in a particular act, which is committed intentionally or through...
Employees Rosselkhoznadzor in Ussuriysk, on a large warehouse freezer storage, found more than 1.5 tons of expired Pacific herring. Products excluded from the turnover, initiated administrative...
The author of the conceptual design of the project was artist-production workshop "Concrete Jungle" Vadim Gerasimenko. In the inventive designs can guess the waves the sea surface or sandy shore,...
The special operation to detain the leader and active members of organized crime groups took place in the October district of Primorsky Krai. Police found the suspects, using threats of physical...
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