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According to the project by the end of the reconstruction here

According to the project by the end of the reconstruction here According to the draft, after the reconstruction there will be a cosy landscaped square with paths, benches, lanterns, small architectural forms and a children's Playground. And for lovers of street art equip art wall. In Soviet times on the place now under construction garden was located recreation area for citizens: there were benches, large wooden figures and half-chess, in which to enjoy playing the locals. Over time, however, the territory was abandoned and a few dozen years, was in a deplorable condition, as until today, this area had not the actual owner. However, by order of the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev in 2011 this plot of urban land was registered in the municipal property, and the object was registered as square - this status ensures that the area is built up by anyone. Works on restoration of the square began on may 27 it is planned to be completed by the beginning of August. To ensure intensity of works in the area of the tramway terminal by the river Explanation left correspondents «In». As stated by the head of the section СМУ77 Sergey Shestakovв the main construction activities are already coming to an end. - Preparation of the land base under the paving stones and curbsв installationа - said the foreman. - In my opinionд the most difficult stage designе when the works on the restoration of the square have not yet started to consider all nuances was virtually impossible. For exampleр initially, the project did not provide for the replacement of болотистого rocky soil. Therefore, to adjust the progress of reconstruction future place of rest of the townspeople had already in place. According to the engineer of technical supervision of the SIS management on construction of objects of Vladivostok city districtа Alexander Nesterenkoо a serious problem on the way of the brigade was the strong water-logged areasи which required the organization of large-scale works on drainage. First of all, working brought out all of the excess moisture located nearby river Explanationя then created from scratch drainage systemу after which completely replaced the ground - took more than a meter of the earth and replaced it with rocks. After laying paving stones and installation of curbs workers will begin giving the site a complete viewа you'll benchesи urnsы lightsи small architectural forms. Appears and children's Playgroundа on one of sites of the Park builders will set the rubber coating necessary to ensure the safety of the youngest citizens. It is quite possible that in the back of the squareа which repairs have not yet touched onя will be arranged pad for skaters - but this project is still in development. And of course territory озеленятт according to preliminary estimatesм in the Park will be dropped about 15 trees and 120 shrubs. By the wayи the green corner in the area of Sports will distinguishing feature. - In the Park will be restored brick retaining wall height of 2 metersа - shares his plans Alexander Nesterenko. - On the initiative of chief artist of Vladivostok Paul Shugurova it will become second legal canvasм for creativity local fans of street art. Let's remindм the first such wall graffiti in the painting of which about a month ago took a direct participation of the Vladivostok artists and star of the American street art Gabriel Rangeр appeared on the street Окатовойй18. Howeverа unlike other parks in the green zone on Borisenko no name. According to some vladivostoktsevв it would be appropriate to give the Park name riverи on the Bank of which he is. That is, the square of Explanations. And how are youк dear readersи do you thinkе Send us your names square on Borisenkoо and we will surely give your suggestions specialists in the city administration.

Tatiana Andreevaа Vladivostokк

Опубликовано:   28-06-2013, 12:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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