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Discussing ideas on development of Vladivostok, energy

Discussing ideas on development of Vladivostok, energy Discussing ideas on development of Vladivostok, energy preferring the roundabout highway along the Amur Bay and the project «ECOPOLICY». The head of the city was presented to the audience all the projects put forward to a city's discussion. He said: Vladivostok residents must determine the priority project is the one that the city authorities will implement in the first place. But to choose the vector of development of the Primorye capital in the coming years requires the active participation of the citizens. «Under the rolling stone gathers no moss», - reminded the folk wisdom Igor Pushkarev. The greatest interest of power engineering specialists caused the projects of construction of a bypass road along Amursky Bay (ВКАД) and creation of a network of Hiking and Cycling paths, so-called, «Shores of health». The importance of ВКАД noted by all the participants of the meeting. However, the power engineers are interested in the question, will the Expressway pedestrians and cyclists on the Shore of health? Because both objects is planned to build along the Amur Bay. «Projects are complementary and will be taken with respect to each other, - said the Igor Pushkarev. - ВКАД and «the Shore of health already stretch along the Bay in parallel, without intersections. The track will be high, and therefore, no traffic lights and ground pedestrian crossings. But to the inhabitants of the surrounding areas had free access to the promenade, will be constructed surface and underground pedestrian crossings». Said head of Vladivostok and to the question whether the city to build ВКАД of their own: «I hope that this project will bring together more than one hundred thousand votes of residents of the city. In this case we will be able to submit it to the Federal center, and count on state support. Of course, such a large-scale infrastructure projects are very costly, and public assistance is very much needed. If dial the required number of votes can not be, but ВКАД all the same will be loved by popular vote, we will attract private investors in addition to the municipal funds for the construction of this road». With great interest the employees ВПЭС noted the project ECOPOLICY». Creation of the integrated eco-system in the city, with greenery, reconstruction of the existing and creation of new parks and public gardens, cleaning and reconstruction of the beaches, the introduction of a new system of waste management - these and many other measures in ecological conservation in Vladivostok, according to power engineers, should be taken first. After active and saturated conversation, in which there was a place matters not within the projects of «national expertise», the head of the city requested that each voice is the most important from their point of view the project. During improvised voting majority of participants

Опубликовано:   27-06-2013, 11:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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