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Students from Vladivostok, China and South Korea became participants of

Students from Vladivostok, China and South Korea became participants of Students from Vladivostok, China and South Korea became members of the «Kitchen of the world». The event took place last week in the framework of the Second international youth festival of twin cities and towns, friendly capital of Primorye. Participants of the section were placed in a classroom of the Department «Technology of products of public catering» and showed their presentations on a culinary topics. The representative of the Eastern Chinese province of Fujian student Shirley Wang very emotionally enlightened the audience about traditional dishes of the region. Distinctive features of Fujian cuisine is extremely delicate cutting ingredients and intensive use of seafood crab, scallops, and shrimp. Shirley not only demonstrated some photos ready meals, but also gave a detailed history of each of them. For example, a masterpiece of culinary art «FD Тяоцян», or «Jump the Buddha through the wall», includes 18 ingredients and has breathtaking aroma. Even Buddha, according to one of the folk beliefs, was not able to resist its appeal, forgot about meditation and in one moment, leaped over a wall to try this truly divine dish. Korean Хеэн Pak told about ферментированной Korean food, such as kimchi and bibimbap. And her compatriot Hye Bin Pak told about the taste of the properties and benefits of the Korean national alcoholic beverage макголи - sweet rice wine. But then switched to a rather unusual theme - molecular gastronomy is a phenomenon worthy curious cooks. To attention of the participants was asked to look at the slides with photos of products and try to guess exactly what is on them: cheese or chocolate, strawberry jelly or molecular soup. To everyone's surprise, none of the present with the task failed. It turned out, catch ingenious cuisine that its main objective is to prepare the product of an unusual way, with a scientific approach, paying great attention to the temperature and preparation techniques, multiple and sometimes quite ornate. So with the help of simple knowledge, special ingredients and sufficient traction to experiment, you can get something really fun like jelly borsch or beer, as well as the froth of bread or meat. Remarkably, Vladivostok participants also prepared a presentation on the topic of molecular gastronomy. After that the student Lilia Goncharova and teacher Olga Nikolaenko arranged master class in cooking three meals experimental cuisine. The first two dishes became cherry and chocolate jelly sphere. Cherries and chocolate first измельчили in a blender, then added into the chocolate mixture of cream, then a spoon portions poured into cold water, formed of the resulting clusters of small balls and ten minutes later spread to tasting spoons, leaving cool. All comers were able to apply the acquired skills in practice, and to create their own appetizing balls. Especially remained satisfied with the process and the result of two guest from South Korea - they smiled, laughed, embarrassed covered their mouths with their hands and applauded themselves. Another creature - espuma being responsible for (foam emulsion), rye bread and beer demanded from their creators more time, so the mixture basis they prepared in advance. Then poured it on кокотницам, decorate whipped cream, top to put balls of ice cream and added a pinch of salt (initially in the recipe of this dish appears salt ice cream, which is simply not available in assortment of the Vladivostok shops), and then solemnly offered to the participants of the section received taste the dish. The impression produced culinary experiments on a brave souls who dared them to try, is easily readable by the expressions on their persons. If after tasting the sweet balls smiles are surprised, enthusiastic, after bread with salt ice cream is very mixed. - This is a very interesting workshop, admiringly notices Shirley Wang, a student on a speciality «translator from English». - In my University doesn't have a class designed for cooking, and finally I found myself in such an audience.

Kateryna Matveeva, "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   26-06-2013, 21:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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