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In Primorye, sentenced to local residents, preparing attacks

Primorsky Regional Court sentenced two local residents, who were found guilty and convicted under the Criminal Code, "the preparation of a terrorist act," and article on "hooliganism" and for trafficking in explosives.

In Primorye, sentenced to local residents, preparing attacks

As stated at the hearing, the men on the grounds of national hatred to the representatives of non-Russians were planning to blow up the Federal Migration Service of Russia building on the street. Border of Vladivostok . They wanted to put an explosive device near the building to make it work when the room is especially a lot of people.

One of the suspects bought TNT and detonators, and then turned to a friend, that he made the explosive device in the hour mehanizmom.K Fortunately, his intentions are thwarted regional FSB.

In addition, criminals along with a third defendant in the case of ethnic hatred gave Koreans a quiet life Now, according to the court the two men go to a colony of strict regime for 10 and 8 years old.

The same sentence convicted two other men who had no relation to the preparation of a terrorist attack. One of them was found guilty of disorderly conduct, the other in the transportation of explosives and ammunition. Both received a suspended sentence - said VestiRegion.ru Senior Assistant Attorney edge Elena Telegina.

In Primorye, sentenced to local residents, preparing attacks

Опубликовано:   25-06-2013, 16:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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