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More than 4500 suspected alcohol seized from illegal trafficking in Primorye

More than 4500 suspected alcohol seized from illegal trafficking in Primorye
In order to detect, deter and document offenses related to trafficking of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, divisions of the MOI of Russia for the Primorye Territory performed preventive operations "Alcohol." Police organized and conducted 279 inspections of enterprises and organizations involved in the implementation and production of alcohol products in the Primorye Territory. For offenders compiled 146 reports on administrative offenses for carrying out business activities without state registration, the illegal sale of goods, a free implementation of which is limited, abuse alcohol production and trade in prohibited places. Seized from illegal turnover of 45 thousand liters of alcoholic beverages in excess of 1 million rubles.

As part of Operation "Alcohol" are registered five reports of crimes provided for in Article 327.1 of Part 2 of the Criminal Code "Production, sale of counterfeit excise stamps, special stamps or their use."

In almost all cases, the sale of alcohol products perform individual entrepreneurs without supporting documents certifying the legality of production and turnover of alcohol products.

For example, in one of the commercial networks Dalnegorsk police found 250 bottles of alcohol with a fake special federal trademarks. During the inspection the seller admitted that alcohol was hers. It is established that the suspect purchased a batch of alcohol and without the knowledge of the director of commercial enterprise sold it for profit. Seller was unable to produce legal documentation, permitting the sale of alcohol, as well as supporting the safety and quality of the goods. Now spirits directed a study that will determine whether the seized counterfeit alcohol products, whether it is dangerous to life and health of the consumer. Currently operatives set of persons involved in the illegal sale of alcohol.

Prevention activities aimed at the police thwarted the facts of the domestic production of alcoholic beverages. During the period of the operation identified 33 of the sale of moonshine. Withdrawn from circulation 379 liters of home-made alcohol in the amount of 73000 rubles. Filed cases on administrative offenses.

Operational measures to detect crimes and offenses in the field of illicit alcohol products, including counterfeit federal special marks in the Primorsky Territory continues stressed
police spokesman MOI of Russia for the Primorye Territory Eugene Sokovishin.

Опубликовано:   24-06-2013, 22:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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